Friday, October 14, 2011

Some of our Garden Birds

A lot of viewers comment about the many bird calls they hear from our garden. I've been asked to give you a list of what we get so you can look them up if you'd like. Here they are:
Crested Barbets
Black-collared Barbets
Ibis - Hadedahs ( I think everyone can identify these noidy birds by now!)
Indian Mynahs (only one well-behaved pair)
Cape Robin (not sure what the new name is)
Cape Starling
Masked Weaver
Olive Thrush
Black-chested (?) Prinia
Cape Turtle Dove
Laughing Dove
Red Eye Dove
Grey Loerie (Go Away Bird)
Red Bishop
Cape White Eye

OK - I think I've listed most of them in our little garden. Forgive the old names, but I honestly don't know half of the new name classifications.


  1. Thank you! Now I know all the bird calls I hear! Now we need to know what kind of dog we hear! :)

  2. And the guinea fowl ? Is it already listed with another name ?

    My top three sounds of the birds in your garden :
    1. PPO (female)
    2. guinea fowl
    3. ibis hadedah

  3. I change my mind :
    top 4 :
    1.PPO (female)
    2.guinea fowl
    3.hissing owlet
    4.ibis hadedah
