Wednesday, July 13, 2011

13 July and Pappa is getting anxious

Pappa is as excited as kids on an Easter Egg hunt. He can't wait to be the first on the balcony every evening - often before the sun has set. As soon as he lands on the railing, he begins an animated mating call. Pappa's white spot on his throat balloons out as he punctuates the early evening with his excited calls. He stands close to the far nest pot and looks in - as if expecting something to be there, or to happen, when he does.

We've seen this behaviour before. The pre-mating / breeding season excitement building. Before long, we will see more of Pot Plant Owl in the immediate area. Pappa will do the hunting for them both, while Pot Plant Owl remains close to the nest, expending as little energy as possible.


  1. Thank you for the update on the continuing adventures of Pappa and PPO, and the choice of nest site for this season. I hope and trust that the Wetland Decision remains unchanged.

  2. HI, Tracy,
    That is so interesting to hear about their mating behaviour. Good Pappa - knows how to treat a lady! So, do you think they have chosen the new pot as opposed to the old one? It does sound as though he knows where she wants to raise their famikly.

  3. Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for the update. Eggsciting news ... will be so special to see PPO again.
    Will be waiting to hear what happens with the appeal.
    Take care,
    Joanne .. from Burnaby, British Columbia/Canada

  4. Ar there any new babies 'in the pot'. I watched a couple of months ago and it was very exciting = would like to watch the next time the owlets are born
    Thank you

  5. Could someone please e-mail me the site name. My e-mail Thank you

  6. Tracy, your updates are truly appreciated. With each entry you post, my excitement builds. Thank you :)

  7. Looking forward to seeing them again. Thank you for the updates. :)

  8. Tracy, The updates are great. Hope you can keep the wetlands free. When will the camera be on. Would love to watch the courting and mating and all the activies before the owletts are here.
